1. If work has not yet begun on the edition, the proposer should send a brief (i.e. not more than one sheet of A4) statement of the proposal to any member of the Committee, or to the Chair (address below). It may be possible to give an immediate response or to invite the applicant to discuss the matter further.

2. If the proposer decides to proceed, or if he/she has already begun work on the edition, the FHA Committee will require a fuller statement, giving details of the character and length of the text, the intended treatment, the approximate length of the introduction and of the whole work, what maps and illustrations are envisaged, and a provisional date for completion. This should be accompanied by a sample of the primary texts and a formal proposal of between 2,000 and 3000 words. The sample should contain full textual annotations, such as the proposer would expect to include throughout the final volume. The FHA Committee will ask a referee to report on the proposal.

3. If, after receiving this information, the FHA Committee decides to proceed, the proposer will need to complete a Proposal Form which, after being approved by the FHA Committee, will be sent to the British Academy Publications Committee with a recommendation for publication. The FHA Committee meets twice a year, normally in March and September, so proposals should be submitted well before a meeting to allow papers to be circulated and reports prepared.

4. If the British Academy’s Publications Committee approves the proposal, it may be able to offer advice on publication problems, and issue a contract to the editor.

5. After a contract has been issued the FHA Committee will appoint one of its members to liaise with the editor. He/she can be consulted over any matter related to the preparation of the edition. The editor will be expected to keep the Committee informed of progress and make a report which can be considered by the FHA Committee at its meetings.

6. Members of the Committee must be attached to UK universities. Membership of the Committee is as follows:

  • Toby Green, (King’s College London, Chair)
  • Amira Bennison (Cambridge University)
  • Shane Doyle (Leeds University)
  • Murray Last (University College London)
  • Ananya Jahanara Kabir (King’s College London)
  • Paul la Hausse de la Louvière (Cambridge University)
  • Giacomo Macola (Sapienza University, Rome)
  • Sara Marzagora (King’s College London)
  • David Maxwell (Cambridge University)
  • Dr José Lingna Nafafé (Bristol University)
  • Malyn Newitt (King’s College London)
  • Esteban Salas (School of Oriental and African Studies, London)
  • Suzanne Schwartz (Worcester University)
  • Kate Skinner (Birmingham University)
  • Hengameh Ziai (School of Oriental and African Studies, London)